This Wild Life . Co

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Perfect Love

So I search for love

a perfect love

Surely a perfect one exists for me

But I know I will fail at

Perfect love

For I am only human

I am not perfect

But surely I’ll find my

Perfect love

So I roam and love some

They always fail

But I know I’ll find my

Perfect love

Someone just for me

Who knows me, understands

Who will stay with me and give me

Perfect love

And now its been a while

And I have not found on earth

A person to give me this

Perfect love

I cry and say

‘God isn’t there anyone out there’

Although alone, I hear “I created you my,

Perfect love’

And then I understood

the love I needed and wanted

the love that came first

was God’s

Perfect love

After Note:

This was written out in one complete note, at first I thought it would end as a promise that God would one day give me someone that had a perfect love. But I realized it’s His perfect love I had been searching for.

“you are a whole being. you should’t be looking for another half” - I forget where I’ve heard this

in other words two halves coming together isn’t the goal

its being two complete separate people

knowing God’s love is what you have first

and through that an overflowing love

that you can share with someone else

another person will not make everything perfect

because as humans - we will fail at love - and knowing this is a good thought

that the perfect love you seek is not of this earth - but it’s better

the pressure to be someone’s perfect love is lifted

the pressure of finding that someone’s perfect love is lifted

The love God has for you is enough