Mount Arab, Tupper Lake New York
This short hike leads to a fire tower at the top overlooking Tupper Lake. When I did this hike, the weather was dreary, rainy and windy at the top. Although not a highlight of my trip, I hope if you get there you have a better view! Sometimes when you’re outdoors, you just don’t get the most amazing view
Of course, on the way to the top and back I took some nature photos
Thank you to Mark’s Brantford for my outdoor gear! These Wind River boots have been my must-have for all my outdoor adventures especially in the rainy conditions
Sometimes the weather doesn’t give you the best conditions, but it’s important to remember your why when adventuring. My reasons for adventure are to notice the little mushrooms, the drops of rain on the leaves, the tangle of branches seen through the forest, fresh air and exercise.
Don’t let a physical rain cloud put a rain cloud over your whole view :)
Fire tower at the top of the hike
‘The View’ from the tower lol