This Wild Life

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Make Your Own Stickers

The best compliment a photographer can receive is having their photos used. Whether its a client using the photos you took from a photoshoot, a brand using an image you took of their product or even when one of my followers ask to use one as a background for their phone!

Whatever kind of photographer you are, you can make your own stickers

I started my wildlife sticker collection using photos I took of animals in the snow. Since the photo was mostly white I had no problem making the rest of the photograph have a white background, giving the appearance of the animal being in a studio posing for me.

Ideas for stickers :

  • Places - National Parks, Cities

  • Nature - leafs, flowers, trees

  • Wildlife

  • Your pets

I print the majority of my stickers from Sticker Mule. These stickers have withstood being on the back Jeep, water bottles, and are weather resistant

Use this link to order a sticker of one of your photographs and get $12.50 off

You can shop for these stickers here