She anchored her life in Gods love
She knows through the storm
God has her secured
She knows on the sunny days
God rejoices with her
She knows when the current pulls her
God remains faithful
She knows where her anchor is
Her anchor is God’s love
And as you read this
You think ‘no’
I don’t have my anchor in God’s love
Because I’m too far off course
I’m too far off
I’m not loved
I know because I’ve thought, felt and believed that
And as someone who continues to overcome that daily
I say no to that lie you believe over yourself
Because thoughts turn into how you live
Life or death is in thoughts, that become actions that become living
And how do I know you’re not to far gone
Because God sent his son to die for you
For your yesterday, today and tomorrow
Not just for when you’re doing ‘good’
And as I write this, I write it from a place
Of stepping out
And maybe you’ve been off course
Unsure how to get back
Speak the words over yourself from the first verse
Say them out loud if you can
Anchor yourself in His love